Schema Therapy Accreditation Training 2024
together with Mandy Walsh
Schema Therapy Wales is an ISST approved certification training program in Individual Schema Therapy. It provides workshops for anyone wishing to gain schema certification as well as stand alone workshops for all mental health professionals wishing to learn more about schema therapy. 

Schema therapy for Individuals 

The 7 Friday training package in 2024

Dates for your diary:

Module 1 - £375 

February 23

March 1

March 8

Module 2 - £375

June 21

June 28

July 5

Module 3 - £125

November 8

Early bird discount:

20% off the module fees if you book by 15.12.2023  

for bookings or further enquiries please e'mail: or


Overall Learning Outcomes and Objectives:


Upon completion of this ISST approved accreditation training participants will be able to:

  • Convey the schema approach to clients
  • Identify and educate the client about their central life problems and unmet core needs
  • Formulate and conceptualise complex cases in terms of schema activation (including coping styles and responses) and schema modes.
  • Utilise the Young Schema Questionnaire, Young Parenting inventory, Young Compensatory Inventory & the Schema Mode Inventory
  • Work meaningfully within the therapeutic relationship during both the assessment and change phases.
  • Understand and apply the key components of schema therapies such as limited reparenting and empathic confrontation in order to heal schemas.
  • Use chairwork and imagery experiential strategies for assessment and change
  • Use mode work to bypass the detached protector mode
  • Use mode work to tackle the Punitive Parent and Demanding Parent Modes
  • Use mode work to identify and provide limited reparenting to the vulnerable child mode
  • Know their own schemas and their influence in treatment, &  ways to respond to one’s own schema activation during the therapeutic encounter.
  • Understand and utilise cognitive & behavioural components in effective treatments
  • Apply pattern breaking techniques

Recommended Reading List

To get the most out of this workshops, whether you are on the certification programme or attending the workshop as a ‘stand-alone’ workshop, it is advisable to begin some reading prior to the course.  The recommended readings are:

  1. Young, JE.,Klosko, J.S & Weishaar, M.E. (2003). Schema Therapy - A Practitioner’s Guide.  London: Guildford Press.  ISBN:  1-57230-838-9 (hardcover) 
  2. Young, JE., & Klosko, J.S. (1993). Reinventing Your Life. New York: Plume.    ISBN: 0-452-27204-1.  Note: this is a self-help book designed for clients to use themselves, but which is also very useful for the clinician. 
  3. Arntz, A. & Van Genderen, H. (2009) Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  ISBN: 978-0-47051080-3 (cloth); ISBN:978-0-470-51081-0 (pbk)
  4. Arntz, A. & Jacob, G (2013). Schema Therapy in Practice: An Introduction Guide to the Schema Mode Approach, New York: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-96286-1(pbk)
  5. Jacob, G., van Genderen & H., Seebauer, L., (2015). Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  ISBN 9781118877715

Dr Anastasiya Lovegrove

Chartered Counselling Psychologist Advanced Schema Therapist/Supervisor

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